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StepZen's Custom Scalars

The additional scalar types built into StepZen's system.

Scalar types are the basic data types (e.g., Ints, Floats, etc.) used to define fields in objects. They represent the leaves of a GraphQL query (because they are not objects themselves) and enable the query fields to resolve to concrete data.

This topic lists the scalar types available in StepZen:

Built-in GraphQL Scalar Types

GraphQL has the following built-in scalar types:

  • Int: Signed 32‐bit integer.
  • Float: Signed double-precision, floating-point value.
  • String: UTF‐8 character sequence.
  • Boolean: True or false.
  • ID: Unique identifier, often used to re-fetch an object or as the key for a cache. The ID type is serialized in the same way as a String; however, defining it as an ID signifies that it is not intended to be human‐readable.

Custom StepZen Scalar Types

Available Types

StepZen provides the following custom scalar types:

  • Date: A date that is serialized as an RFC-3339 (section-5.6) full-date quoted string.
  • DateTime: Date and time serialized as an RFC-3339 quoted string. It differs from Date in that its format is full-date "T" full-time.
  • JSON: Arbitrary JSON value that can be a value, array, or object.
  • Secret: String used as an argument type, representing a secret such as an API key or token. A value is serialized as ******** in any GraphQL response, to avoid revealing secrets.

Use StepZen's Custom Scalar Types

You can implement these types just as you would GraphQL's built-in types, inside your type definition like this:

type Tracking {
  origin: String!
  weight_lbs: Int
  dateDelivered: DateTime
  dateReceived: Date
  finalAddress: JSON

In this example, the fields dateDelivered, dateReceived, and finalAddress (which use StepZen's DateTime, Date, and JSON types), are available for you to use in your queries.