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Execute Multiple Queries in Sequence

Sequence multiple queries into a single result

@sequence is a custom StepZen directive that executes multiple queries in a sequence to return a single result. Each step in the sequence passes its data as arguments to the next step. This enables complex sequencing of API and database calls to populate a query, without the need to implement difficult asynchronous call handling.

This topic provides the following information about @sequence:

Configuration Properties


The only required argument to create a sequence is the steps that make up that sequence. This is an array of objects that the query steps through. Each object in the array must contain (at a minimum) the name of the query that the step will call.

      {query: "step1"}
      {query: "step2"}

The value of query must be a query that is defined on the schema. The result of the sequence will be the same as the result of the last step (step2 in this case).

The steps are executed in the order they are listed (from top to bottom). For more details on how to override the steps to include data from prior steps, see the Collecting Results section below.

In some cases, the name of a property returned by a query does not match the argument name for the subsequent query.

For example, if the step1 query above returns lastName, but the step2 query expects an argument of surname, use arguments to map the results to the expected name:

      {query: "step1"}
      {query: "step2", arguments: [{name: "surname", field: "lastName"}]}

Collecting Results

By default, the result of the final step is the result of the sequence. However, in some scenarios, you may need data from prior steps as part of the result of the entire sequence.

For example, imagine step1 returns user information including their name but step2 returns location information including city. To have the full sequence return both name and city, use an extra step in the sequence that calls a query utilizing a special echo connector.

The sequence would look like:

      {query: "step1"}
      {query: "step2"}
      {query: "collect"}

The collect query in step 3 of the sequence will then use the echo connector:

collect (name: String!, city: String!): UserWithLocation
    @connector (type: "echo")

For a more detailed walkthrough of how @sequence can be used, follow our sequencing queries tutorial.

Authorization Headers in the GraphQL Schema

In some cases, such when running an @sequence directive, GraphQL arguments can be passed as header variables in an HTTP request.

Take the example below, where an argument of access_token: String is passed to the authorization header as a bearer token:

type Query {
    id: String 

type Query {
    my_query(access_token: String): Query
        @rest (
            endpoint: ""
            headers: [{ name: "Authorization", value: "$access_token" }]


When running the GraphQL query, the access_token: String argument is "Bearer CMORsM63LxIO...", and contains the entire string for the Authorization header:

query MyQuery {
    access_token: "Bearer CMORsM63LxIO_4eBAEBAgAAMAEAAAAYY_MDnCSCXsaQLKM_AFzIUdnIEl9qo7Cwj2t1Z_rNAec5zYls6LgB_b8f_BwyE_wf8_-D_fc4sAAAAYAYY9DwfIBgcgA_gwx8GGQAAOIUnAADgAOBCFBZjpguluSl9IBk0ni7_U1o-pPgjSgNuYTFSAFoA"
  ) {

If the access_token argument is not provided in the query, or if it is explicitly set to null, StepZen resolves the Authorization header to an empty string, "".

This is an example query where there is no access_token argument provided:

query MyQuery {
  my_query {

Authorization: "null" is converted to Authorization: "" to prevent server errors and avoid sending unwanted null arguments as headers.

Combining Variables with Strings in Authorization headers

StepZen also supports strings combined with variables in header arguments.

As shown in the schema below, my_query will combine the GraphQL argument access_token with a literal string Bearer:

my_query(access_token: String): Query
        @rest (
            endpoint: ""
            headers: [{ name: "Authorization", value: "Bearer $access_token" }]

When my_query is executed, access_token does not need to contain the Bearer string. The schema combines the Bearer string with the access_token.

query MyQuery {
    access_token: "CMORsM63LxIO_4eBAEBAgAAMAEAAAAYY_MDnCSCXsaQLKM_AFzIUdnIEl9qo7Cwj2t1Z_rNAec5zYls6LgB_b8f_BwyE_wf8_-D_fc4sAAAAYAYY9DwfIBgcgA_gwx8GGQAAOIUnAADgAOBCFBZjpguluSl9IBk0ni7_U1o-pPgjSgNuYTFSAFoA"
  ) {

The request to the endpoint will still send the Authorization header the same way it did previously, "Authorization": "Bearer CMORsM63LxIO...".

@Sequence Example of Passing access_token as a Variable

Let's say there is an @sequence that sends the_access_token but does not provide the token type Bearer in the string.

Note: Refer to the @sequence documentation to understand how this sequence passes variables between queries.

You do not need to understand @sequence in full detail, to understand how StepZen uses the access_token to support Authorization headers.

Here is an example:

type Auth {
    access_token: String!
    token_type: String!
    expires_in: String!

type Query {
    id: String 

type Query {
    get_auth: Auth
            method: POST
            contenttype: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"
            endpoint: "{{.Get \"username\" }}&password={{.Get \"password\" }}"
            configuration: "configs"
    my_query(access_token: String): Query
        @rest (
            endpoint: ""
            headers: [{ name: "Authorization", value: "Bearer $access_token" }]
    returns a query with the new access_token
    query_with_key: Query
            steps: [
                { query: "get_auth" }
                { query: "my_query" }

type Auth has the field access_token. In the query_with_key @sequence, the get_auth query passes the access_token to the my_query query.

    "token_type": "bearer",
    "refresh_token": "12314-3ee9-4a6b-bc87-134254332",
    "access_token": "CMORsM63LxIO_4eBAEBAgAAMAEAAAAYY_MDnCSCXsaQLKM_AFzIUdnIEl9qo7Cwj2t1Z_rNAec5zYls6LgB_b8f_BwyE_wf8_-D_fc4sAAAAYAYY9DwfIBgcgA_gwx8GGQAAOIUnAADgAOBCFBZjpguluSl9IBk0ni7_U1o-pPgjSgNuYTFSAFoA",
    "expires_in": 21600

As shown above:

  • access_token (generated by the first step)
  • get_auth does not have Bearer preceding the token generated

Therefore my_query must be written with headers: [{ name: "Authorization", value: "Bearer $access_token" }]. StepZen combines the variable access_token being passed in the first step with Bearer added in the schema, to properly set the Authorization header.

my_query(access_token: String): Query
        @rest (
            endpoint: ""
            headers: [{ name: "Authorization", value: "Bearer $access_token" }]